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Goliath Beetle Cocoon Material is a material necessarily required for your Goliath Beetle larva to proceeds to the next stage of their life cycle, the pupal stage. Goliath Beetles have to construct a pupal chamber known as the cocoon with a particular type of soil, and when the condition is not met, they will either emerge small sized adult beetle or can even stressed to death. Providing a proper material is very necessary step to raise and breed the healthy Goliath Beetles.


This special ingredient has been tested, and brought to us great results over numerous times. We are now ready to provide this special ingredient to you, so you don't have to worry about it! It is now the time to observe a full life cycle of this magnificent Goliath Beetles!!

*This item is only necessary for Goliath Beetle larvae. No other species must have this.


When to use this?
Once your Goliath Beetle larva refuses and stops to feed, and wanders on the surface of the substrate, place him in a 64 oz container with this material filled up to until about 1 inch empty space at the top. Then leave them alone for about 2-3 months. Material must have some moisture in it, but not a dripping water.


Then what?
After about 2-3 months, check once a week to see if your beetle has emerged, and crawled upto the surface in the container. If you see a beetle, you can feed fruits or beetle jellies right away.



1. [Small] contains 2 US Quart, shipped in a USPS Priority Padded Envelope.

-This is a recommended amount for a single major sized beetle larva, or a sufficient amount for 1-2 minor to medium sized beetle larva.


2. [Medium] contains 4 US Quart, shipped in a USPS Priority Medium Flat Rate Box.

3. [Large] contains 6 US Quart, shipped in a USPS Priority Medium Flat Rate Box.

*We highly recommend using at least 2 US Quart container or bigger for all sized larva.





This item includes postage, and will be shipped out separately from any other items.

Goliath Beetle Cocoon Material

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