We got some Cappuccino and Frappuccino crested geckos at insect brothers exotic.
We need to set up a plan to produce high quality animals from these crested geckos..
Here is our plan for this year 2024
We have a total of 3 male Cappuccinos, 6 female Cappuccinos, and 2 female Frappuccinos.
We decided to produce some Super Cappuccinos this year.
So, three different blood lines of Cappuccino groups will be paired this year
We will use 2 Cappuccino males and 3 female Cappuccinos for this purpose.
Here is the expected number based on genetic calculation and minimum expectation of egg count. We are expecting a minimum of at least 12 eggs from each female. Based on that result we will get around 36 eggs from 3 females
25% : Super Cappuccino
50% : Cappuccino
25% : Normal
By this genetic calculation, Here is the expected number of results. We know this percentage is per each egg but we can still guess our result based on this calculation.
If we are lucky enough we will get 9 super cappuccino, 18 cappuccino, and 9 normal geckos.
Next plan is to produce more Frappuccinos.
Remaining 3 females will be with a high cover Lilly White male group.
25% : Frappuccino
25% : Cappuccino
25% : Lilly White
25% : Normal
Same method of calculation, we are expecting to get 9 Frappuccino, 9 cappuccino, 9 lilly white, and 9 normal geckos.
We are saving two frappuccino females for a while and we will pair them to the Axanthic male group by the end of this year 2024, We are basically planning on making 100% het axanthic crested gecko from this frappuccino pairing.
So here is the prediction
25% : Frappuccino 100% het Axanthic
25% : Cappuccino 100% het Axanthic
25% : Lilly White 100% het Axanthic
25% : Normal 100% het Axanthic
Based on the calculation, we will get 6 of each trait.
Final goal of this process is to produce Super Cappuccino Axanthic. The Axanthic gene is deleting yellow and red pigments of the color and super cappuccino is a reddish dark translucent color. Therefore, our expected look of super cappuccino Axanthic is something like deep blue black translucent color. However, we never know what this trait will look like.
Prediction of final result of this Cappuccino project 2024 is following
Super Cappuccino : 9
Cappuccino : 27
Frappuccino : 9
Cappuccino 100% het AX : 6
Frappuccino 100% het AX : 6
Lilly White 100% het AX : 6
Normal 100% het AX : 6
Lilly White : 9
Normal : 18
Total baby gecko : 96
Again, This result is just a prediction by genetic calculation. Result will be a little bit different.